1. 템플릿 안에서 대체 문자열 Substitution Strings within Templates
2. 페이지, 아이템 대체 문자열 Substitution Strings for Page or Application Items
- 대문자로 써야하고, 기호 &로 시작, 마칠 때는 . 마침표
- Reference the page or application item in all capital letters.
- Precede the item name with an ampersand (&).
- Append a period (.) to the item name.
3. IG, 카드, 맵 컬럼의 대체 문자열 Substitution Strings for Interactive Grid, Cards, and Map Columns
- 위 2번과 동일한 조건
4. 다른 리포트 컬럼 Substitution Strings for Other Report Columns
- 대문자로 써야하고, 시작과 끝은 모두 #으로
- Reference the column name in all capital letters.
- Precede the column name with a pound sign (#).
- Append a pound sign (#) to the item name.
5. 특수문자나 대/소문자 구별이 필요한 경우
- 쌍따옴표 " 로 표현 : &"<name>"[!<format>].
- "<name>" is an application item or page item or column name. If not quoted, then it must be in set A-Z–0-9_$#
- "<name>" is APP_TEXT$<message-name>
- Where <message-name> is an Application Express text message name.
6. HTML Escape 대체 문자열 Controlling Output Escaping in Substitution Strings
- HTML escapes reserved HTML characters, for example:
- Item: &P1_DEPTNO!HTML.
- Interactive grid column: &ENAME!HTML.
- Columns in other reports: #ENAME!HTML#
- ATTR escapes reserved characters in a HTML attribute context
- Interactive grid column: &ENAME!ATTR.
- Columns in other reports: #ENAME!ATTR#
JS escapes reserved characters in a JavaScript context
- Item: &P1_DEPTNO!JS.
- Interactive grid column: &ENAME!JS.
- Columns in other reports: #ENAME!JS#
RAW preserves the original item value and does not escape characters
- Item: &P1_DEPTNO!RAW.
- Interactive grid column: &ENAME!RAW.
- Columns in other reports: #ENAME!RAW#
STRIPHTML removes HTML tags from the output and escapes reserved HTML characters, for example:
- Interactive grid column: &ENAME!STRIPHTML.
- Columns in other reports: #ENAME!STRIPHTML#
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