20211209 - IG LOV 기본 값 셋팅하기 - 행 추가 후 기본 값

1. IG 컬럼 >> Advanced

JavaScript Initialization Code :

function( config ) {
    config.defaultGridColumnOptions = {
        defaultValue: function () {
            return {d:"관리자", v: "21"};
    return config;

이렇게 하지 않고 보통 다른 컬럼들 하는 것처럼 default 값을 셋팅하게 되면 value 는 셋팅이 되지만 Display 값은 셋팅되지 않아서 위와 같이 json 형식으로 셋팅하면 됨






    config.initActions = function(actions) {
        var addRow = actions.lookup("selection-add-row");
        var originalAction = addRow.action;
        addRow.action = function(event,el) {
            // do your own stuff before original action if needed
            // do your own stuff after original action if needed. This is what page 17 does:
            // after the grid has had a chance to change the selection
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 100);
            return true; // because focus was set

function( config ) {
    config.defaultGridColumnOptions = {
        defaultValue: function( model, record ) {
            return ...;
    return config;

var val,
    model = this.data.model,
    rec = this.data.record,
    meta = model.getRecordMetadata(this.data.recordId);

if ( meta.inserted ) {
    val = model.getValue(rec, "JOB")
    if ( val.v === val.d ) {
        model.setValue(rec,"JOB", {d:apex.item("C_JOB").displayValueFor("CLERK"), v: "CLERK"});
    val = model.getValue(rec, "ONLEAVE"); 
    if ( val.v === val.d ) {
        model.setValue(rec,"ONLEAVE", {d:apex.item("C_ONLEAVE").displayValueFor("N"), v:"N"});
function(config) {
    config.defaultGridColumnOptions = {
        defaultValue: function( model, srcRecord ) {
            let m,
                name = "";

            if ( srcRecord ) {
                name = model.getValue( srcRecord, "ENAME" ),
                m = /(.*)(\d+)$/.exec( name );

                if ( m ) {
                    name = m[1] + ( parseInt( m[2], 10 ) + 1 );
                } else {
                    name += "_1";
            return name;
    return config;

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